Attorney General Opinions
Number |
Date |
Title |
Eligibility of alien for homestead exemption |
AGO 2000-47 |
Water Control District, use of lands for trails |
Mobile Home Recreation District, purchases |
Municipal regulation of sale of alcoholic beverages |
AGO 2000-45 |
Career Service employee serving as city commissioner |
AGO 2000-44 |
School buses, seat belt requirements |
AGO 2000-46 |
Airport Authority, voting and quorum requirements |
AGO 2000-43 |
Municipalities; use of municipal seal |
AGO 2000-42 |
Municipalities, storage requirements for weapons |
AGO 2000-41 |
Judges, appointment to fill vacancy |
AGO 2000-40 |
Travel expenses of vacationing commissioner to return |
AGO 2000-39 |
Taxability of life estate in state property |
AGO 2000-38 |
Dual Officeholding, police chief on pension board. |
Records, release of insurance provider name |
AGO 2000-37 |
Interest on municipal fuel tax fund, uses |
General master/traffic hearing officer |
AGO 2000-35 |
School Board, teacher killed in line of duty |
AGO 2000-36 |
Municipalities, volunteers enforcing water speed limits |
Divorce, retirement benefits |
Municipal bonds |
AGO 2000-34 |
Code enforcement board, interlocal agreement |
AGO 2000-33 |
Independent Special Fire Control District Act |
AGO 2000-32 |
Transportation, interest earned on investments |
AGO 2000-31 |
Election of corporate officer as district supervisor |
AGO 2000-29 |
Tourist development tax, transfer of revenues |
AGO 2000-28 |
Alcoholic beverage ordinance, Indian reservation |
AGO 2000-27 |
Bingo--for profit corporations conducting games |
AGO 2000-30 |
Constitutional Amendment, self-executing |
Traffic control, unrecorded subdivision |
AGO 2000-26 |
Usury, "payday loans" |