Attorney General Opinions
Number |
Date |
Title |
AGO 2001-36 |
Entitlement to disabled veteran and seniors exemptions |
Slot Machines within Pari-mutuel facilities |
AGO 2001-35 |
Sale of fireworks to consumers, imposition of sales tax |
AGO 2001-34 |
Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights |
AGO 2001-33 |
Records, access to patient records at city clinic |
AGO 2001-32 |
Clerk, charge for certificate release motor vehicle |
Law enforcement officers, off duty employment |
Dual Officeholding, community alliance |
School Board, rescission of contract award |
Enforcement of municipal code provisions |
School board, Jacksonville city attorney's opinions |
Sheriff, purchase of retirement benefits for employees |
Purchase of retirement benefits for sheriff's employees |
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, vessels |
AGO 2001-31 |
Homestead exemption, change in ownership |
Competitive bids, school bus transporation services |
AGO 2001-30 |
City loan to community redevelopment agency |
AGO 2001-29 |
County commission, clerk, payment of county bills |
AGO 2001-28 |
Dual officeholding, regional planning councilmember |
Dual Officeholding, university board of trustees |
AGO 2001-27 |
Registration requirements for sexual offenders |
Seniors v. Crime Project, liability of volunteers |
AGO 2001-26 |
Records, Florida Commerical Space Financing Corp. |
AGO 2001-25 |
Drywall installer under contractor's supervision |
AGO 2001-24 |
Insurance, volunteers transporting students |
AGO 2001-23 |
Charter school subject to open government laws |
AGO 2001-22 |
County, parking restrictions on state road right of way |
AGO 2001-21 |
Sunshine, communication of position statements |
AGO 2001-20 |
E-mail as a public record and as a meeting |
AGO 2001-19 |
Criminal background checks, law enforcement officers |