In 2019, 64 million individuals in the United States used peer-to-peer mobile payment applications. There are now more than 92 million individuals transferring money this way and that number is expected to surpass 100 million by the end of 2021.
With the rapid increase in the popularity of these apps, comes the potential for hackers and scammers to interrupt transactions. Please be careful when making mobile payments through these platforms and take steps to ensure the money you are sending goes to the intended recipient and not to a scammer.
To avoid scams while making peer-to-peer payments:
- Create a second bank account with limited funds to connect to mobile payment applications;
- Register a credit card rather than a bank account or a debit card as credit cards provide extra user protections;
- Regularly review financial statements to check for signs of fraudulent transactions; and
- Verify that money being sent is going to the correct recipient.
For more information, access our latest Consumer Alert here.
If you encounter one of these attacks, report it to my office by calling 1(866) 9NO-SCAM, or by visiting
By taking steps to protect your financial accounts and reporting scams when you see them, you can help us build a Stronger, Safer Florida.

In The News
Florida Attorney General warns consumers of new scam targeting mobile payments, WFTV 9 Central Florida
Florida officially files legal challenge to OSHA vaccine mandate, Click Orlando
Florida attorney general files petition against Biden vaccine requirements, Politico
Florida says OSHA oversteps authority in motion to stay federal vaccine mandate, Florida Politics
Half a million dollars recovered in robocall charity scheme, Moody says, WFLA Tampa
AG Moody says nearly a half-million dollars was recovered from robocall 'charity scam', WTSP Tampa
Moody honors frontline officers in Green Cove Springs, News 4 Jax
Protecting Floridians
Attorney General Moody Honors Green Cove Springs Frontline Officers with Thin Line Tribute

Attorney General Ashley Moody recognized Green Cove Springs Police Department frontline officers as part of the Thin Line Tribute initiative. The initiative is designed to recognize law enforcement officers for protecting and serving Floridians—a job that sometimes seems thankless. Attorney General Moody visited GCSPD to show appreciation and support for the officers and to say thank you.
Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “Police officers work every day to save lives and keep their communities safe, often with thankless dedication. As Attorney General, I will always show my support for our brave officers who selflessly serve the citizens of Florida. It was an honor to be in Green Cove Springs to show my utmost appreciation for these frontline law enforcement officers.” Read More
This week, Attorney General Ashley Moody announced the disbursal of nearly half a million dollars to nonprofits following a successful court action against an unlawful charity robocall scheme at a news conference in Tampa. Attorney General Moody ceremoniously presented a portion of the recovered money to the Semper Fi & America's Fund.

Attorney General Moody continuing the Thin Line Tribute initiative at the Green Cove Springs Police Department. Law enforcement officers choose every day to serve their communities, often thanklessly. Attorney General Moody’s Thin Line Tribute aims to show support and appreciation for the essential role law enforcement officers have.

Attorney General Moody thanking veterans for their service directly through social media on Veterans Day. To view the video, click here.