This week, I joined local and state law enforcement leaders to encourage Floridians to be safe on our roadways this holiday season. While Floridians are enjoying this time of family, friends and festivities—what they may not know is that this is also when we see an increase in DUI arrests and crashes.
For those reasons, December is known as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. According to the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 40% of traffic-related deaths during Christmas and New Year’s involve drunk drivers. In Florida last year, 532 impaired driving crashes were reported statewide.
To protect Floridians and our visitors, I joined law enforcement to send a clear warning to anyone who would even think about driving under the influence—drive sober or get pulled over.
Florida law enforcement officers will be out in full-force this holiday season, looking for reckless drivers. So, I want to encourage all Floridians who may drink this holiday season, to make plans beforehand—designate a driver or use a cab or ride-sharing service.
For more information, check out the video linked here.
By taking a few simple precautions and being considerate of your fellow Floridians on the road, we can all enjoy a happy, safe holiday season and ring in 2022 together.
For those reasons, December is known as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. According to the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 40% of traffic-related deaths during Christmas and New Year’s involve drunk drivers. In Florida last year, 532 impaired driving crashes were reported statewide.
To protect Floridians and our visitors, I joined law enforcement to send a clear warning to anyone who would even think about driving under the influence—drive sober or get pulled over.
Florida law enforcement officers will be out in full-force this holiday season, looking for reckless drivers. So, I want to encourage all Floridians who may drink this holiday season, to make plans beforehand—designate a driver or use a cab or ride-sharing service.
For more information, check out the video linked here.
By taking a few simple precautions and being considerate of your fellow Floridians on the road, we can all enjoy a happy, safe holiday season and ring in 2022 together.

In The News
Ashley Moody says impaired driving won't be tolerated over the holidays., Florida News
Central Florida law enforcement to step up DUI patrols for the holiday season, Bay News 9
Florida’s top cop warns of impaired driving dangers during the holidays, Click Orlando
Brevard Sheriff Wayne Ivey Joins Attorney General Ashley Moody Urging Road Safety This Holiday Season, Space Coast Daily
Beware of fraudulent websites while holiday shopping online, Florida's attorney general warns, Spectrum News 13 Orlando
Protecting Floridians
Attorney General Moody Announces Second Round of Refunds for Floridians Scammed by Debt Relief Schemes

More than twelve hundred Floridians will be receiving a second round of checks totaling nearly $340,000 in the coming weeks due to judgments obtained by the Attorney General’s Office and the Federal Trade Commission in their action against a massive debt relief scam. The Florida Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission sued 17 corporate defendants and three individuals alleging the defendants engaged in a massive debt relief scheme offering consumers phony debt relief services, including fake loans. In the first round of consumer redress made in July 2020, 1,260 received checks totally more than $720,000.
Attorney General Ashley Moody said, “These phony companies preyed on people who were trying to pay off their debt, making their financial situation worse. I am glad we were able to work with the FTC to shut down these scams and recover more than a million dollars for Floridians.” Read More
This week, Attorney General Ashley Moody held a news conference in Orlando to warn Floridians about dangerous driving during the holiday season. Attorney General Moody was joined by Florida Highway Patrol Director Col. Gene Spaulding, Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey, Osceola County Sheriff Marcos Lopez, Orlando Police Chief Orlando Rolón and Mothers Against Drunk Driving representatives.

Attorney General Moody welcoming recently sworn in Lakeland police officers who moved to Florida from New York to Be A Florida Hero. Attorney General Moody is on a mission to recruit law enforcement officers from across the nation to come Be A Florida Hero. Check out Attorney General Moody’s new interactive law enforcement career website at

Attorney General Moody at the inaugural Office of the Attorney General Managers Training event outside Florida’s Historic Capitol. The two-day training session brought together OAG managers from across the state to share information about agency projects, policy changes and goals.

Attorney General Moody presenting the inaugural Trish Conners Award to Associate Deputy Attorney General Carolyn Snurkowski, head of the OAG Criminal Appeals Division. The Trish Conners Award will be given annually to a lawyer who exemplifies excellence, professionalism and demonstrates dedication to the mission of the Department of Legal Affairs.

Attorney General Moody meeting with students from Broward County and sharing her journey to becoming Florida’s Attorney General. The students visited the State Capitol to learn about government as part of the Close Up program.

Attorney General Moody's Victim’s Compensation Division winning the office’s holiday door decorating contest.

Associate Deputy Attorney General Chesterfield Smith, Jr. posthumously received the Florida Government Bar Association’s Government Attorney of the Year Award. Chet humbly fulfilled his role as an attorney dedicated to state government and served the Office of the Attorney General for 30 years. Attorney General Moody nominated Chet for this award. Chet’s wife, Patricia (pictured center right), accepted the award on his behalf at a reception this week.