Attorney General Opinions
Number |
Date |
Title |
AGO 74-139 |
Disability of nonage |
AGO 74-138 |
Fee for filing testamentary trust |
AGO 74-140 |
Sheriffs and fees for service of process |
AGO 74-132 |
Official headquarters for DCA judge |
AGO 74-135 |
Authhority to give inmate parole |
AGO 74-134 |
Law enforcement training programs |
AGO 74-137 |
Fines for offenses not payable to municipality |
AGO 74-133 |
Govermental reorganization and department heads |
AGO 74-136 |
Driver's license suspension and sobriety |
AGO 74-129 |
Bank security guards and firearms |
AGO 74-128 |
Annual tax for recreational vehicles |
AGO 74-131 |
Taxation and local sales ,cigarette , alcohol tax |
AGO 74-127 |
Authority of elections commission to investigate |
AGO 74-130 |
Taxation and loan of church property |
AGO 74-126 |
Mailings before candidate officially qualifies |
AGO 74-123 |
Sheriffs authority to arrest for municipal violation |
AGO 74-122 |
Interlocal agreements and binding arbitration |
AGO 74-125 |
Qualifications of newspaper for legal advertising |
AGO 74-121 |
Home rule and amendment of special act |
AGO 74-124 |
Costs of defending criminal charges and officials |
AGO 74-120 |
Municipalities and taxation for year of incorporation |
AGO 74-119 |
Broward County and date of referendum election |
AGO 74-118 |
Beach and shore restoration state authority |
AGO 74-117 |
Statewide grand jury and jurors' travel expenses |
AGO 74-113 |
Adverstisements by political action groups |
AGO 74-116 |
Delegation of authority by department heads |
AGO 74-112 |
Local competency exam for contractor |
AGO 74-115 |
Homestead exemptions and qualifications |
AGO 74-114 |
Public agency funds and change in fiscal year |
AGO 74-110 |
Forfeiture of vehicles |