Scams at a Glance

Attorney General’s resource for Floridians to use for protection against fraud. Scams at a Glance is an outreach program with information about common and emerging scams. The downloadable brochures are designed to teach consumers how to avoid falling victim to fraudulent schemes. The brochures and other information on the website are available in both English and Spanish. Scams highlighted include imposter scams, tech support scams and more. Savvy consumers can stop fraud in its tracks, but they must know what to look for.
Some general signs of common scams include:
• Unsolicited calls or emails;
• High-pressure tactics or too-good-to-be-true offers;
• Threats of loss if immediate action is not taken; and
• Requests for immediate payment by wire transfer, credit, prepaid debit, or gift cards.
The Attorney General also works hard to educate Floridians about new and upcoming scams through the Consumer Alert program. Scams at a Glance is another fraud prevention tool to help support Consumer Alerts and bolster consumer knowledge about common scam tactics.
To view recent Consumer Alerts, visit
To report fraud or file a complaint, visit or call 1(866) 9NO-SCAM.
To download and print the tri-fold brochures please see below:

Sham or Summons
Reports of jury duty scams are increasing in prevalence nationwide, with many originating from Florida

On the Move
It’s important to know what to look out for when hiring moving companies to avoid falling victim to a scam and losing money or personal property.

The Dark Side of Solar
Be wary of solar companies holding themselves out as being a government-affiliated entity.

Protect our Patriots
Unscrupulous scammers may target the military service member community with fraudulent schemes.

Travel Traps
Fake postings offering vacation-rental properties created by scammers who take the victim’s money, leaving the traveler without accommodations.
To report suspected fraud, please file a Complaint or call the Fraud Hotline at 1(866) 9NO-SCAM.