Florida Elder Crime Practitioner Designation
The Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute (FCPTI), established in the Office of the Attorney General in 1982, provides crime prevention training to Florida’s law enforcement community and other interested citizens. In 1986, the Attorney General’s Office began training specifically on elder issues with a series of one-day workshops across the state on “ Fraud Against the Elderly.” The first Crimes Against the Elderly course, designed by the Office of the Attorney General, has evolved into an Advanced FDLE course which offers salary incentive or mandatory retraining for sworn officers in attendance.
Currently, the Florida Elder Crime Practitioner Designation is offered to individuals who are concerned about the vulnerability of the elderly; the reduction of elderly criminal victimization; and improving the elder’s quality of life.
INITIAL DESIGNATIONTo earn the Florida Elder Crime Practitioner Designation, a participant must successfully complete eighty-eight hours of instruction offered through FCPTI within a period of three consecutive years. The requirement includes the forty-hour course and two 24-hour courses. It is a pre-requisite that the forty-hour course be taken first. The following is a description of the required courses:
Crimes Against the Elderly and Disabled 40 - hour course provides training designed to increase understanding of the laws affecting the elderly and disabled; recognizes specific crimes and the impact of those crimes; and familiarizes the participant with criminal justice and social service resources.
Aging Issues and Comprehensive Approaches 24 - hour course provides instruction on the aging impact on the community; comprehensive and multi-disciplinary approaches; determines differences in personal judgement capacity to consent; addresses common addictions among the elderly; and the Florida victims compensation program.
The Law Enforcement Role in Elder Crimes 24 - hour course provides instruction on the role law enforcement plays in elder abuse prevention; understanding Florida’s residential facility system; abuse, neglect and sexual abuse of elderly persons and disabled adults; Florida law; and practical investigative techniques. Students must pass a written examination at the conclusion of each course. Upon successful completion of the three required courses, the designation of Florida Elder Crime Practitioner Designation will be awarded by the Attorney General’s Office.
The initial Florida Elder Crime Practitioner Designation is valid for a period of three years from the date that appears on the Florida Elder Crime Practitioner Designation certificate. To maintain the designation, a Florida Elder Crime Practitioner must successfully complete the twenty-four hour Florida Elder Crime Practitioner Designation Update course offered by
FCPTI. Upon successful completion of a Florida Elder Crime Practitioner Designation Update course, the designation will be renewed for a period of three years from the date of the Update course.
Additional information may be obtained by writing the Florida Crime Prevention Training
Institute, Office of the Attorney General, PL-01, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1050, visit our website at http://myfloridalegal.com/cjp or by calling FCPTI at (850) 414-3360.